Stafford/Fredericksburg Incinerator On-line Discussion
From July 28, 20/13 to August 2, 2013 there were over 40 posts on the subject, on the first page, and there are 2 more pages, with a similar number…
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Fredericksburg City Council Approves Pyrolysis Incinerator Lease
http://news.fredericksburg.com/businessbrowser/2013/07/09/fredericksburg-city-council-approves-landfill-lease/ Energy Extraction Partners, LLC is under the umbrella corporation Creative Energy Systems. In this article, CES states that it has similar pyrolysis projects progressing in other…
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Waste Rubber-Derived Oil – Toxic, and part of the previous Stafford Incinerator Proposal
http://psrcentre.org/images/extraimages/413024.pdf Pyrolysis of waste tires makes “a dark brown to almost black liquid which is highly viscous with a sharp and irritating smell, and contain high concentration…
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Citizen Voice Concerns about Stafford Incinerator
http://news.fredericksburg.com/staffordnews/2013/08/08/eep-replies-to-citizen-concerns-about-waste-to-energy-proposal-in-email/ Energy Extraction Partners, a subsidiary of CES, attempts to explain why a tire incinerator would be a good thing for Stafford County. The company repeatedly makes unsubstantiated claims about…
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Testimony before the Stafford Board of Supervisors, April 1, 2014
I come before you again to try to get you to make the right decision for Stafford . DO NOT BUILD an incinerator at the Eskimo Hill Road landfill. Given…
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