Dangerous Dioxins
http://sciencetranslation.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/dangerous-dioxins/ Discover the molecular structure of dioxins and benzene. Lizzie Caldwell reports that benzene and dioxins are both cancerous. In fact, the benzene molecule is present in all the various dioxins. However, the simple benzene molecule breaks down in a week, while dioxins last up to 10 years. (Please note that Caldwell’s allusion to Viktor Yushchenko’s alleged dioxin poisoning […]
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Air Toxicants, Impact of Benzene Exposure On Bone Marrow
http://ocw.jhsph.edu/courses/publichealthtoxicology/PDFs/Lecture11_Trush.pdf https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ See a detailed analysis of the effects of benzene on a cellular level (slide 29). Exposure can cause a number of bone marrow diseases. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Michael Trush, 2008.
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Material Safety Data Sheet on Tire-Derived Oil – Ouch!
http://www.conradind.com/pi_tire_derived_oil_msds.asp OSHA requires chemical reporting on potentially hazardous materials through Material Safety Data Sheets. The MSDA on tire-derived oil reveals a nasty list of the hazardous effects of tire oil on people and the environment. For instance, toulene causes birth defects and benzene causes leukemia.
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Waste Rubber-Derived Oil – Toxic, and part of the previous Stafford Incinerator Proposal
http://psrcentre.org/images/extraimages/413024.pdf Pyrolysis of waste tires makes “a dark brown to almost black liquid which is highly viscous with a sharp and irritating smell, and contain high concentration of sulphur (p.16).” The oil industry has discovered that the waste oil from tire incineration MIGHT SOMEDAY be an alternative fuel. According to this report, it hasn’t yet proved to be a viable option. […]
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The Land Beneath the Parks – Toxic Waste In Playgrounds
http://www.miamiherald.com/static/media/projects/the-land-beneath-the-parks Dumping grounds for waste and incinerator ash around Miami were covered over with parks and playgrounds. Methane, arsenic, benzo(a)pyrene, and other hazardous chemicals have been found in the soil under the playgrounds and in the groundwater. This has cost the municipal governments millions of dollars in soil remediation. The Miami Herald, Andres Viglucci, 2013
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Health Effects of Recycled Waste Tires in Playgrounds
http://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/publications/Documents/Tires%5C62206013.pdf California funded this study of recycled tires’ toxicity, specifically in playground and running tracks. The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment produced detailed analysis of chemicals and elements in waste tires. OEHHA also analyzed the devastating effect of these chemicals on surrounding plan and animal life over time. OEHHA, January 2007
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An Industry Blowing Smoke – Need Help Understanding Terminology?
http://www.no-burn.org/downloads/BlowingSmokeReport.pdf Are you looking for definitions for all the big, foreign words in the incinerator industry? Through myth-busting explanations and clarifications, this report explains the awful effects of the incinerator technologies: high capital cost, toxicity, and the elimination of recycling programs for profit. Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, David Ciplet, June 2006
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Human Health Effects of Biomass Incineration
http://saveamericasforests.org/Forests%20-%20Incinerators%20-%20Biomass/Documents/Briefing/ Three accomplished physicians, and the co-director of Biofuelwatch explain to Congress that biomass incinerators (including tire incinerators) are an unacceptable waste solution. The first presentation describes Vermont’s McNeil Biomass Incinerator, and explains that it causes the most air pollution of all the facilities in the state. It also points out that governmental regulations are consistently UNSUCCESSFUL in controlling […]
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Biomass/Waste Incineration
http://www.energyjustice.net/files/incineration/incineration.pdf “Pyrolysis” is just a fancy name for incineration. It is also a “failed technology” that has failed repeatedly. Discover how zero waste technology is absolutely achievable (slides 68-81). Energy Justice Network PowerPoint Presentation, October 2013
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The Story of Stuff – A Video that Ties Things Together
The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. It exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. It’ll teach you something, it’ll make you laugh, and it just […]
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