Stafford/Fredericksburg Incinerator On-line Discussion

From July 28, 20/13 to August 2, 2013 there were over 40 posts on the subject, on the first page, and there are 2 more pages, with a similar number of posts. A lively discussion. Some highlights: (1) the opening post, first paragraph states: “Stafford County has been keeping secrete the details of a lease at the landfill for a Waste to Energy facility. The details of the lease only became public when the City of Fredericksburg put the lease on their website over a month after the Stafford Board of Supervisors approved the lease.” What a way to start.

There is a lot of good reading there, including things like a discussion about the amount of tires that would be imported into Stafford as feedstock for an incinerator; questions about the success/failure of the few projects the proposing company cited their involvement; why Goodyear and Firestone both gave up on that technology (couldn’t sell the byproduct, and couldn’t find a way to integrate it into their products); and lots more. The waste oil from “melting” the tires was what the incinerator company was going to sell, if they could find someone to buy it. That someone would actually burn it, sending their fumes East, across the oceans, or anywhere across the lands. But, what’s even scarier, from an environmental perspective, is to think that they actually might be able to sell it. If they do, it would be to someone who would burn it, releasing all that stuff into the air, or the ground water, or just the land.

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