This website should help you make decisions about incinerators. Here is what you will find:

The “Home” tab has 2 sub-tabs. The first, “Moving Around This Website”, is this tab, which describes where things are on the website. The second, “Houston, We Have a Problem”, describes the problem with garbage and some solutions.

The tab “Stafford/Fredericksburg Incinerator” provides materials about what happened in 2013, and how Stafford residents fought back to stop the incinerator.

The tab “The Solution”, provides some analysis on what can be done, and strongly urges you to become involved and discuss the problem with your Board of Supervisor member.

The tab “Chronology of Stafford Events” shows you the actions taken by the Stafford Board of Supervisors, the City of Fredericksburg, The Rappahannock Regional Solid Waste Management Board (R-Board), and concerned Stafford residents.

The tab “Information Sources” has lots of published articles and reports grouped together in multiple categories. These categories group various types of sources into related topics. For example, if you want to see what the impact is on the health of people living or working near incinerators, click on “Health Problems Caused by incinerators” to see the impact of dioxins, benzene, and a host of other pollutants.

The tab “Links” provides websites of many of the sources of the articles, and is a great place to go to really dig deep into the problems caused by incinerators, to see how other jurisdictions are fighting this pollution source, and to understand the health and environmental implications of incinerators.

The tab “Background Materials” provides downloadable files that you can read. Many of them are short, but a few are pretty large. They provide significant details in 3 sub-tabs about: (1) the RFPs issued by Stafford, and the incinerator proposal awarded in 2013 but not actually implemented; (2) Incinerators in general; and (3) Zero Waste, a goal that could be achieved over time, if we all work together.

The tab “Forum” has not yet been activated, but it would provide a place for comments, discussion, etc.