Fighting incinerators – Look at Logansport, Indiana
http://www.alternet.org/environment/fight-brewing-over-plan-build-nations-largest-trash-incinerator This article summarizes the global fight against incinerator plants as seen in Logansport, Indiana. Even wastewater is a serious problem. AlterNet, Linda Greene, August 13, 2013
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Cities Waffle on Incinerator Proposals
http://www.dailyclimate.org/tdc-newsroom/2014/04/incineration-waffle Discover a list of cities that have fought incinerator proposals. This article states that cities face difficulty in incinerator discussions because of a lack of data…
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California State Board: Must have Zero Emissions to be Green Energy
http://www.dailyclimate.org/tdc-newsroom/2013/02/incinerator-fight In California, “a state board ruled that the technology cannot qualify as green energy because it does not operate with zero emissions, eliminating a financial incentive.” This…
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Court: Green Bay Improperly Revoked Plant Permit
http://www.twincities.com/News/Wisconsin/ci_25418285/Court:-Green-Bay-improperly-revoked-plant After residents came together and convinced the city to revoke Oneida Seven Generations Corp.’s permit to build a waste-to-energy plant, the corporation fought back. It is…
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Oneida Tribe Sued in Failed Green Bay Energy Venture
http://www.twincities.com/News/Wisconsin/ci_25339099/Oneida-tribe-sued-in-failed-energy After public outcry, the Oneida Seven Generations Corp. was unable to build a waste-to-energy plant that it promised would be profitable for its business partner Generation…
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North Iowa Landfill Board Kills Energy Plant Project
http://globegazette.com/news/local/landfill-board-kills-ces-energy-plant-project/article_42288c0c-4e17-11e1-96b9-001871e3ce6c.html The Landfill Board voted the proposal down because they wanted more time to study the project. The proposal would have diverted much of the solid waste…
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Fredericksburg City Council Approves Pyrolysis Incinerator Lease
http://news.fredericksburg.com/businessbrowser/2013/07/09/fredericksburg-city-council-approves-landfill-lease/ Energy Extraction Partners, LLC is under the umbrella corporation Creative Energy Systems. In this article, CES states that it has similar pyrolysis projects progressing in other…
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Solid Waste Workgroup Report, Carroll County, MD
http://ccgovernment.carr.org/ccg/pubworks/sw-workgroup/SWWG-Rpt-Nov2012.pdf Carroll County established a workgroup to examine and recommend methods of significantly reducing the waste stream by 2030. It reveals methods of motivating citizens to recycle…
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Zero Waste: Successes & Lessons from Around the World
http://www.no-burn.org/downloads/On%20the%20Road%20to%20Zero%20Waste.pdf GAIA emphasizes that cost estimates for incineration and dumping do not include the human and environmental costs. This is a comprehensive document that includes 9 case…
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Alachua FL, Organics Recycling Facility Feasibility Study
http://www.alachuacounty.us/Depts/PW/Waste/Documents/Alachua%20Organic%20Recycling%20Report%20FINAL%207%2022%2010.pdf As a follow-up to the February study, this report provides detailed analysis of organics recycling. It lists recommendations and schematics for instituting a financially and logistically…
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